Full halal menu, Alcohol-free, $$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Available to-go, No prayer accomodatio
Full halal menu, $$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Reservations not required, Available to-go, Clean re
Partial halal menu, Alcohol allowed, $$$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Reservations not required, Avai
Partial halal menu, Alcohol-free, $ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Available to-go, No prayer accomodat
Full halal menu, Alcohol-free, $$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Reservations not accepted, Available t
Full halal menu, Alcohol allowed, $ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Catering available (more info), Deli
Full halal menu, $$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Reservations not required, Available to-go, No praye
Full halal menu, Alcohol-free, $$ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Reservations not required, Available t
Full halal menu, Alcohol-free, $ out of $$$$, Cash accepted, Available to-go, Delivery available, Pa